Difference between Spiritualism and Spiritism?

Spiritualism and Spiritism are two different belief systems. Spiritualism is a broader term that refers to the belief that the spirit world can communicate with the living, while Spiritism is a specific doctrine founded by Allan Kardec that studies the spiritual world through scientific inquiry. The two differ in their approach to communication with the spiritual realm, the concept of reincarnation, and the afterlife. While Spiritualism is based on faith and intuition, Spiritism is based on scientific experimentation and observation. Spiritualists believe in the existence of heaven and hell, while Spiritists view the afterlife as a continuation of the soul's journey towards spiritual enlightenment.

Difference between Spiritualism and Spiritism?

Spiritualism and Spiritism are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct differences. Spiritualism is a belief system that centers around the idea that the spirit world can communicate with the living. Spiritism, on the other hand, is a specific doctrine founded by Allan Kardec in the 19th century, which aims to study and understand the spiritual world through scientific inquiry.

Spiritualism is a broad term that encompasses a variety of beliefs and practices. At its core, it is the belief that there is a spiritual realm that exists beyond our physical world and that it is possible to communicate with spirits in this realm. This communication can take place through a variety of methods, including mediumship, meditation, prayer, and divination.

Spiritualists believe in the existence of a soul that survives after death, and that this soul can communicate with the living. They also believe in the concept of reincarnation, which suggests that the soul can return to the physical world in a different form after death.

Spiritism, on the other hand, is a specific doctrine that was founded in France by Allan Kardec in the 19th century. Kardec believed that the study of the spiritual world could be approached scientifically, and he conducted extensive research to develop the principles of Spiritism.

One of the key differences between Spiritualism and Spiritism is their approach to communication with the spiritual realm. Spiritualists believe that communication with the spirit world is based on faith and intuition, while Spiritists believe that it can be achieved through scientific experimentation and observation.

Spiritists also believe in the concept of reincarnation, but they view it as a process of moral and intellectual development, rather than a cycle of birth and rebirth. They believe that the soul progresses through a series of lifetimes, each one offering new opportunities for growth and learning.

Another difference between Spiritualism and Spiritism is their approach to the afterlife. Spiritualists believe in the existence of heaven and hell, while Spiritists view the afterlife as a continuation of the soul's journey towards spiritual enlightenment.

In conclusion, while Spiritualism and Spiritism may seem similar on the surface, they have distinct differences in their beliefs and practices. Spiritualism is a broad belief system that centers around communication with the spirit world, while Spiritism is a specific doctrine that approaches the study of the spiritual world through scientific inquiry. Understanding these differences can help individuals determine which belief system resonates with them on a personal level.