Hamilton News Obituaries
DOLAN, Gary Wayne
It is with sad hearts we announce the peaceful passing of Gary Wayne Dolan, on M...
DAY, Taylor Valerie
2001 - 2023 It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden passing of my ...
STAFFORD, Shirley Anne
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Shirley Anne Stafford (...
ANDERSON, Robert Gordon "Bob"
It has been one year since he passed away peacefully. Bob was one of the kindest...
BIGGLEY, Linda (Pilon)
January 5, 1961 - April 2, 2020 The beauty of a Memory Is that it's Always ther...
Scobie, Fred and Evelyn
A Celebration for family and friends of Fred and Ev is planned for Saturday, Apr...
DICOSIMO, Merlyn Dorothy
Merlyn Dorothy DiCosimo passed away peacefully on April 3 at the age of 95. Merl...
MORRISON, Veronica (Lambert)
Peacefully, at the age of 95, Veronica passed away on April 3, 2023, at Wentwort...
KRAUSS, Lorna Merle (Stroud)
Lorna, 88, of Dundas, Ontario, peacefully passed away on March 5, 2023. She was ...
Prankie, Michelle Catharine
Prankie, Michelle Catharine. Beloved and loving wife of Mark Prankie for almost ...
McNIVEN, Christine Linda (Shaw)
Of Caledonia, ON, left this earth bound for Heaven on March 9, 2023 in her 74th ...
SORGE, Lorne Edgar
Peacefully at his home in Dunnville on Wednesday, March 8, 2023, in his 93rd yea...
WARD, Thelma Jane
Formerly of Mount Hope and Hamilton, passed away peacefully at the Grandview Lod...