Muskoka Region News Obituaries
Denney, Raymond George
Raymond George Denney passed on April 18, 2023, at the age of 94. He leaves behi...
West, Michael Ryan
March 19, 1982 - April 3, 2023 It is with great sadness that we announce the pa...
CROOKS, June Venisa Coulter
In honour of a life well lived, come help us celebrate! Drop into the Huntsvil...
Riley, Wilbert Allan
It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Wilbert Allan Riley. He died...
Budd, Michael David
Michael David Budd was born on May 10, 1956, in Bracebridge, Ontario and passed ...
STEVENSON, Georgina Ann
Passed away at home Monday, March 20, 2023, with her loving husband at her side....
HAWKE, Lila Gweneth Mary (Kaye)
It is with great sadness that our family announces the passing of our mother. Gw...
PLESTED, Beverlie Maura (van Dunk)
Passed away peacefully on February 28, 2023, at The Pines Long Term Care in Brac...
Robson, Brian Eugene
Brian Eugene Robson, 72, of Thornton, passed away suddenly with his wife and son...
OLINSKIE, Dorothy (Roeder)
Passed away peacefully to be with our Lord after a brief illness on March 7, 202...
PEDDIE, Brian William
June 21, 1958 ~ March 7, 2023 Brian Peddie, the most easy going guy you'll ever ...
CORBETT, Douglas Gordon
August 7, 1947 - March 8, 2023 Doug passed away peacefully, with his loving fam...