The Thunder Bay Chronicle Journal Obituaries

Fenlon,  Robert J.  (Bob)

Fenlon, Robert J. (Bob)

Fenlon, Robert J. (Bob) at Chatham Ontario, May 5 2022, age 94. Son of the late ...

McEwin,  Bruce Wilson

McEwin, Bruce Wilson

Bruce Wilson McEwin, age 94, of Stratford, passed away peacefully at Stratford G...

Spirka,  Lembit

Spirka, Lembit

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Mr. Lembit Spirka on Th...

Mastroianni,  Dr.  Helve Hobe

Mastroianni, Dr. Helve Hobe

Jan. 25, 1955 ~ May 12, 2018 Helve and I are old school friends and we ...

Donnelly,  William

Donnelly, William

Mr. William Donnelly, age 85 years, passed away peacefully on Wednesday, May 4, ...

Begin,  Gilles Jacques

Begin, Gilles Jacques

May 5,1957 – May 6, 2022 It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing...

Liddicoat,  Edith Nora

Liddicoat, Edith Nora

Mrs. Edith Nora Liddicoat (nee Randle), age 87 years, passed away peacefully in ...

Pacholczak,  Irene

Pacholczak, Irene

In Loving Memory Of IRENE PACHOLCZAK May 11, 2001 Always in our hearts you...

Williamson,  Maisie and Albert

Williamson, Maisie and Albert

You left us beautiful memories, your love is still or guide Although we cannot s...

Wielobob,  Maria

Wielobob, Maria

It is with broken hearts we announce the passing of our beautiful mom, mother-in...

Lavigne,  Jacquline

Lavigne, Jacquline

It has been two years since your passing. Remembering you is easy We do it e...

Ward,  Jamie Clarence  "Sputnik"

Ward, Jamie Clarence "Sputnik"

1958 – 2022 Mr. Jamie “Sputnik” Clarence Ward, age 64 years, passed away peac...

Johnson,  Maria  (Rizzi)

Johnson, Maria (Rizzi)

August 1962 – April 1992 A special smile, A special face, In our hearts, A spe...

Braisby,  Henry

Braisby, Henry

Mar. 6, 1932 ~ Apr. 28, 2020 In memory of my loving husband. I have lost m...

Freeman,  Lori-Ann

Freeman, Lori-Ann

Oct. 10, 1968 – April 28, 2021 It is hard to believe that a year has passed. ...

Rusak,  John

Rusak, John

Feb. 4, 1985–April 28, 2013 I see your soft, gentle smile each day I talk to...