OBITUARY: Alex John (A.J.) WALLING (1946-2023)

OBITUARY: Alex John (A.J.) WALLING (1946-2023)

OBITUARY: Alex John (A.J.) WALLING (1946-2023)

Alex John Walling, also known as A.J. (born 1946) was a Canadian sports analyst and broadcaster. He passed away peacefully on Nov. 25, 2023, in Halifax, N.S.

Alex was born in Quebec City. The son of Bertram Walling and Yvette Verret, Alex was married to Kathleen Davis for 38 years, until her passing in 2014. He leaves behind his children, Kevin Cory and Christine, as well as his three sisters, Dorothey (David Baker), Ann (Genady Balik) and Helen (Richard Walling), and many dear friends.

Well known for his distinctive voice and opinionated commentary, Alex’s career began at the age of 17 in 1965 as a newspaper reporter for the Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph in Quebec City. He made the leap to radio in 1972, and then onto TV in 1988 with the MITV television station in Halifax, also contributing as Atlantic sports reporter for TSN for many years. His dedication to music and sports led him to found the Atlantic Media Institute in 1988 and the Queens County Community Radio in 2015. Through his lifelong dedication to sports, Alex covered major sporting events, including the 1972 Summit Series, where he was one of the first to talk to Paul Henderson moments after the historic “goal heard around the world.” His final radio broadcast came in spring 2023.

Alex will be deeply missed by his listeners and all those who had the opportunity to know him. His avid curiosity, interest in others, impeccable memory and great sense of humour will live on in the hearts of all of us.

As per Alex’s wishes, there will be a private memorial in his honour.

Donations in memory of Alex can be made to the Saint Brigid’s Home Foundation in Quebec City (, a special place that was important to Alex in his early years.

The post OBITUARY: Alex John (A.J.) WALLING (1946-2023) appeared first on The Quebec Chronicle Telegraph.