What you need to know about karma?

We live in a world where people are judged by their actions, not their intentions. Everything we do has an effect on our lives and the lives of others. The concept of karma is often misunderstood. In Hinduism, the belief of karma means that the consequences of your actions will directly influence your future in this life and in the next. In Hinduism, there are several types of karma: Samsaric (Vasya), Punya, Pāpa and Ajeevika. Depending on one’s actions, these types of karma can either be beneficial or harmful for you. If you want to know more about this intriguing philosophy, keep reading!

What you need to know about karma?

What you need to know about karma?

Photo by digby801 on Pixabay

We live in a world where people are judged by their actions, not their intentions. Everything we do has an effect on our lives and the lives of others. The concept of karma is often misunderstood. In Hinduism, the belief of karma means that the consequences of your actions will directly influence your future in this life and in the next. In Hinduism, there are several types of karma: Samsaric (Vasya), Punya, Pāpa and Ajeevika. Depending on one’s actions, these types of karma can either be beneficial or harmful for you. If you want to know more about this intriguing philosophy, keep reading!

What is Samsaric Karma?

Samsaric karma is one of the main types of karma in Hinduism. It is the type of karma that describes the effect of your actions. It is the primary cause of your present situation. If you experience a certain life situation, you can say that your samsaric karma has brought you here. We all have a unique combination of samsaric karmas. They are one of the reasons why people have different life experiences and results. In order to change the course of your future, you should identify the source of your karmic situation. You can do that by reflecting on your past actions.

Have Karma

If you’ve done something that you believe will bring you a positive result, then you have accumulated karma. Karma is a Sanskrit word that means “action,” and it is the concept of all actions having consequences. If you’ve done something that is perceived as negative, you’ve created bad karma. If you want to create good karma and avoid creating bad karma, you should follow the teachings of the Hindu religion. Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world, dating back more than 4,000 years. Hinduism is the world’s third largest religion, with more than a billion followers.

Pāpa Karma

Pāpa karma is the type of karma that is the result of an action that harms others. The effects of this karma are harmful and painful. It is recommended that you avoid creating pāpa karma. Pāpa karma is the karma that results from harmful thoughts, words or deeds. Harmful thoughts are those that are accompanied by greed, hatred, or delusion. Pāpa karma can result from different deeds, such as killing or harming other beings, stealing, and lying. Harmful deeds attract demerit, and consequently, cause us to experience painful results. If you want to avoid creating pāpa karma, you should avoid these harmful actions.

Ajeevika Karma

Ajeevika karma is the type of karma that results from your natural, unavoidable actions. Ajeevika karma is not something that you can control. You cannot avoid creating ajeevika karma. It is the result of unavoidable actions such as breathing, blinking, eating and sleeping. You cannot control these actions, so you cannot avoid creating ajeevika karma. Ajeevika karma is like the karma that results from the actions of the body. It is accumulated from involuntary or involuntary actions like breathing, blinking, eating and sleeping. You cannot avoid creating ajeevika karma because it cannot be controlled. You can only make an effort to live ethically so that you avoid creating harmful pāpa karma.

Hinduism and rebirth

Hindus believe in the concept of reincarnation, which is a cyclical process of death and rebirth. When a person dies, their soul, which is called the "atman", leaves the body and travels to the World of the Dead. This place is also known as "pretaloka" or "pitrloka", and it is ruled by Yamaraj, the god of death. While in the World of the Dead, everyone is given a chance to reflect on their lives and what brought them to their deaths. The souls are then judged by Yamaraj based on their actions in life. The souls that have been judged to have led good lives are sent to the next rebirth, while the souls that have led evil lives are sent to the Final Death. The Final Death is the death of the soul and the end of reincarnation.


This article has introduced you to the fascinating world of karma. Karma is the concept of all actions having consequences, and it is the basis of most Eastern religions. This includes Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. You have learned that karma is split into several types and that they can either be beneficial or harmful for you. You also learned that Hindus believe in the concept of rebirth and that it is cyclical. You should now know more about karma and how it can affect your life.