John O’Connor (1946-2023): A tribute from Irish Heritage Quebec

John O’Connor (1946-2023): A tribute from Irish Heritage Quebec

John O’Connor (1946-2023): A tribute from Irish Heritage Quebec

Submitted by Joe Lonergan, Irish Heritage Quebec

John O’Connor’s passing has left Irish Heritage Quebec (IHQ) in mourning along with many others in the broader community. John was affiliated with IHQ since 1988 and was largely responsible for its reorganization in 2000. His service as secretary/treasurer was invaluable. He also served as the liaison between IHQ and the many other historical societies in the greater Quebec City area. Indeed, he often chaired meetings when these groups would meet in concert.

Many will remember him in his capacity as a volunteer with Saint Brigid’s Guild and the Quebec City Women’s Club book sales. John’s voluntarism extended to count- less other individuals in the community when they needed personal transportation or help from what he jokingly referred to as “O’Connor Moving.”

John was a stalwart in his insistence that the Irish of the greater Quebec City area be recognized as a community in itself. Beyond what the local community saw, John spent countless hours helping people of Quebec City’s Irish diaspora discover their genealogy and the location of their ancestors’ burial sites. It was not uncommon to find John in St. Patrick’s Cemetery with “come home” tourists looking for their family plot. Now he will lie where he helped so many reunite with those they loved.

Irish Heritage Quebec is thankful that John effectively made our organization a locus of his existence over the past three decades. His memory would be best kept by emulating his voluntarism. May he rest in peace.


The post John O’Connor (1946-2023): A tribute from Irish Heritage Quebec appeared first on The Quebec Chronicle Telegraph.