OBITUARY: Hazel COLLINS (1937-2023)

OBITUARY: Hazel COLLINS (1937-2023)

OBITUARY: Hazel COLLINS (1937-2023)

Hazel Collins, 85, wife of the late Robert Wallace, daughter of the late Dorothy Grimes and the late Herbert Collins, passed away on March 23, 2023 at Laval Hospital (IUCPQ). She lived in Quebec City.

She is survived by her children Garry, Randy (Manon Lamontagne), Nancy Lee (Jocelyn Plante) and Karen (Todd Schroeder); her grandchildren Jessie-Lee and Roxanne (Dave Mercier and Loïc). She is the sister of the late Keith (Odette Gagnon) and Russell (Linda).

There will be no funeral but a gathering for her final resting place is to come at St. Patrick’s Cemetery. The date will be specified later.

The family would like to thank the health care providers at Laval Hospital (IUCPQ) for the excellent care provided.

Donations can be made to the Fondation de l’Hôpital Laval (Fondation de l’Institut universitaire de cardiologie et pneumologie de Québec),

For information:

Coopérative funéraire des Deux Rives Telephone: 418-688-2411 or 1-888-688-2411
Fax: 418-688-2414
To send a message of sympathy:

The post OBITUARY: Hazel COLLINS (1937-2023) appeared first on The Quebec Chronicle Telegraph.